Friday, August 16, 2013

Heritage Artisans in Action; Jewellery

All are invited to join the Avon River Heritage Society Museum (ARHS) and the Hants County Arts Council (HCAC) in welcoming jewellers Mary Lou Bennett, Emilie Butler and Al Carter for the seventh instalment of Heritage Artisan in Action, taking place throughout the ARHS museum in Newport Landing on Sunday August 25th from 10am – 5pm.

Mary Lou Bennett

Mary Lou enjoys the creative process of designing and creating, taking her inspiration from nature and the landscape that surrounds her, her palette often reflects the colours of the land, sea and sky. 

In her designs she often incorporates glass, wood, pearls and semi-precious stones with brightly coloured beads. 

For over ten years Mary Lou has been designing her limited edition and one of a kind line of jewellery and accessories called "Damselfly Gifts" 
Working from her home studio in Windsor, N.S., Mary Lou's line includes earrings, bracelets, necklaces, brooches and hand painted silk scarves.

Emilie Butler

Inspired by her desire to preserve moments, objects, and places, Emilie creates tangible memories as wearable art. Through in-depth exploration of pattern, texture, contrast, shape, material and colour, her designs capture the essence of these retrospections, combining these various qualities into stylish and unique pieces of jewellery.

A graduate of NSCAD University’s Jewellery Design & Metalsmithing program, Emilie has long been a creator of art, particularly as adornment. Through metal, jewellery in particular, she’s discovered a powerful and challenging medium to serve as an outlet to further develop her skills in technique and design.

Emilie currently runs Ophelia Jewellery Design from her home studio in St. Margaret’s Bay, N.S.

Alfred Carter

Al is what you might call a Jack-of-all-trades. He has worked as a gold miner, carpenter, bartender, minister, ship carver, counsellor, teacher and entrepreneur, among other things. 

His greatest passion is possibly learning; he eagerly absorbs information about new and interesting subjects. 

His Native, Black, English, and Swedish background naturally led to an interest into the traditions and histories of these different nationalities, and eventually he was able to add Mi’kmaq jewellery maker to his long list of trades and talents.

Using traditional designs, patterns and materials, Al designs authentic M’ikmaq beaded jewellery and accessories.

For our full summer schedule of these free live demonstrations and sales please visit or follow us on Facebook.

Avon River Heritage Society Museum,

17 Belmont Road, Newport Landing, NS.

(902) 757-1718

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