Saturday, February 8, 2014

HCAC Member's Group Showcase at the Bread Gallery, Feb 15th - March 30th, 2014

All are welcome to join the Hants County Arts Council on Saturday February 15th from 2pm - 5pm at the Bread Gallery in Brooklyn as we celebrate the opening of our 3rd Annual Group Showcase featuring work by 20 of our members. 
Show continues February 15th - March 30th, 2014 

Participating Artists:

Sandra Aucoin
William Cooper
Claudia Dobson
Jaki Durocher
Phil Durocher
Brian Fraser
Terrie Greencorn
Andrew Harvie
Karen Harvie
G.A. Jank
Dawn Josey
Diane Lamonthe
Rose Marie MacDonald
Kelly Mitchelmore
Carol Morrison
Tacha Reed
Liz Robinson
Sue Robinson
Cara Sawka
Jim Tracey

Please visit for more information.

The Bread Gallery, 7778 Highway #14, Brooklyn, Hants County

Open Tuesday - Saturday 8am - 5pm and Sunday 10am - 4pm.