Friday, December 21, 2012

Welcome Winter!

 As we welcome in winter, the HCAC looks back fondly on the year that has just passed. 

The fall is always busy time for us here at the HCAC as we put together our biggest group show of the year, the Harvest Festival of Art. This past October 14th-16th we once again took over the Vaughan Shand Centre in Windsor for a weekend of art appreciation. 

Dr Avery Vaughan receiving his "Hall of Fame" award
Twenty of our members displayed over 150 unique art pieces and we were pleased that several members were able to provide artist demonstrations throughout the event. 

This year's event was very well attended thanks to the crowds from the Pumpkin Festival and sales were at an all time high, leaving everyone who participated eagerly anticipating next years event!

Even though today is just the first day of winter we are already looking ahead to the spring and our next group show. This will be a more intimate affair, taking place at the Bread Gallery in Brooklyn next March. 

If you are a member who has yet to participate in a group show, but would like to, then please contact us and reserve your space. There is limited space for this particular showcase so I encourage you to act quickly to ensure inclusion.
Another big project that will be taking up our time over the next few months is the publication of our 2013 Arts Digest. Inclusion in the digest is free for all members and includes a 40 word biography. With 15 000 copies printed, 14 000 of which are delivered directly to homes in Hants County, the Arts Digests has proven itself to be a very valuable promotional tool. 

Additional advertising space is also available at very a reasonable price allowing you to increase the visibility of your work and show your support of the arts and culture of our local community. Look for full details on our next edition of the Arts Digest coming this January.

With the holidays now here, we at the HCAC wish you all a lovely season filled with warmth, comfort and good cheer and we look forward to your continuing support in 2013!