Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Call to Artists: Paint the Port, Hantsport, NS

WHAT: A ‘Paint-In’, a gathering of local Artists with a Gallery Showing & Sale of their work for the general public. A chance to meet and view the artists while they work is an added bonus!

WHEN: July 20th, 2013 from 9:00am – 4:00pm

WHERE : Scenic Hantsport, NS in the beautiful Annapolis Valley! A great drive for a beautiful summer day!

WHO : A variety of Artists from our region, and the General Public; you should plan to drop by, and enjoy our hospitality while you converse with artists as they create!

WHY : To view a wide range of original art and artists, mediums, and styles. To find a new piece of art for your home or that special gift. You will also be encouraging and supporting the development of art and culture in our area. It may inspire you to give it a try! Try the silent auction on wet paintings during the day.

Churchill House, Hantsport
1. Only original art work will be displayed and sold.
2. All paintings will be registered/priced and signed in/out upon arrival/departure; for view and sale at our gallery area, at Churchill House.
3. A 20% commission on sales will be used to cover expenses incurred by the planning committee. Sales will be handled at our display gallery, and payment forwarded within the next week. (Cash or Cheques only)
4. Sign-Ins will start at 9am on Sat. July 20th, with an Artist’s supper at Churchill House at 6:00pm to end the day.
5. Wet paintings will be added to the Gallery as the day progresses for a silent auction (artist to set minimum bid and take home price).
6. Artists are expected to paint on site. We will have some local gardens, historic buildings, and the waterfront for designated locations, and the public will be invited to view the artists at work.
7. Pre-registration MUST be received by July 5th, 2013 to confirm your participation. ***Deadline extended to Friday July 12th!!!***
8. We will have locations available for rain or shine; but will expect the beauty of a summer day and color.
9. We will be advertising this event thanks to funding from Nova Scotia Cultural Activities Grant.

Pass this info along to all interested artists!

For more information please contact Karrie Ritchie at 684-3200 or by email at

For more on the Town of Hantsport please visit:

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Call to Artists: Heritage Artisans in Action

On behalf of the Avon River Heritage Society (ARHS) Board Of Directors and the Hants County Arts Council (HCAC), we are pleased to extend an invitation to you to participate in the revival of a popular annual heritage art event called Heritage Artisans in Action (HAiA).

HAiA was last held at the ARHS Museum in Newport Landing on weekends throughout the summer of 2003. It is an opportunity for local artisans to focus on historical trades, crafts, and art forms done in both traditional and contemporary manners.

Our aim is to have a show opening on June 15 followed by a series of themed HAiA Sundays over the course of the summer. Participating artisans will have opportunities to display their skills and present informative demonstrations. We also invite all artisans to contribute their creations to the Museum's gift shop for the duration of the season.

Art forms represented by the group have included wood-carving, painting, weaving, gourd art, leatherwork, ironwork, handspun and dyed yarns, hooking and felting, embroidery, knitting, quilting, fabric painting, jewellery, and glass work.

Themed weekends will be organized based on interest and availability, some mediums may be combined to best suit artists’ availability.  

If you are interested, or know of any other artisans who may be, please contact us at email: or by telephone: 757-1718 before June 1st to book your spot.

Best regards,

Ken Greer,                                                        Tacha Reed

ARHS President                                                HCAC President

Heritage Artisans in Action Schedule

June 15thHAiA kick-off (all artisans are invited to participate)

June 23rdFull Circle Festival, ARHS Boathouse

June 30thHAiA Fibre Arts (Hooking, Weaving, Knitting & Spinning, Felting)

July 7thHAiA Wood Carving

Jul 14thHAiA Leather Work

July 21shHAiA Needle Work (Embroidery, Quilting)

July 28thHAiA Glass Work (Stained Glass, Blown Glass, Mosaic)

Aug 4th - HAiA Metal Work

Aug 11th - HAiA Painting

Aug 18thHAiA Pottery

Aug 25th - HAiA Carvings & Sculpture

Sept 1st - HAiA Traditional Mi'kmaq Crafts (basket weaving, drum making, beading, leatherwork, painting)

Sept 8th - HAiA Traditional Acadian Crafts (Spinning, Weaving & Rug hooking)

Sept 15thLast Day of Season

* Scheduling may change to accommodate availability.

Please find us on Facebook: Avon River Heritage Society Museum • on Twitter @AvonRiver

* A consignment contract will be made available upon request at